Foundation Course

Shakti Leadership

Embracing Feminine and Masculine Power

USD 297 | Online Course on Seek

Nilima Bhat talks about the Shakti Leadership Foundation Course

Course Description

Something is out of sync with the example of leadership today. Feminine energy in leadership is largely absent from our professional lives, but introducing it could help organizations become more balanced and integrated.

If you are concerned that too many leaders, men and women alike, are buying into a notion of leadership that exclusively emphasizes traditionally ‘masculine’ qualities, win-at-all-costs and yearn for leadership that is balanced; this course is for you.

Based on the internationally acclaimed book ‘Shakti Leadership’ authored by Nilima Bhat and Raj Sisodia, this course reveals an archetype that is generative, cooperative, creative, inclusive, and empathic. While traditionally regarded as feminine qualities we all have them! In the Indian yogic tradition, they are symbolic of Shakti, the energy source that powers all life.

By enrolling in this carefully designed Shakti Leadership Foundation Course you will learn how to access this infinite energy and to lead from your full power by becoming psychologically whole and adept at flexing between your healthy masculine & feminine leadership for best outcomes.
You will find your higher purpose and its unique gift that only YOU can bring to the world. AND be able to articulate the inspiring MYTH that drives your life and powers your leadership. So you can wake up each day, knowing who you are and where you are going, and how to get there with self-mastery and in selfless service.

Shakti Leadership is the path to Life’s twin goals: Freedom and Fulfillment.

What you’ll learn

  • Why Conscious Leadership is ‘the fierce urgency of now’
  • Cultivating Presence
  • Shakti Leadership model – synthesis of best practices that work for all Genders and Cultures
  • Transformational Leadership map – How to make the Heroic Journey
  • Coming into and staying in your true power Becoming psychologically whole
  • Flexing between your Masculine & Feminine Leadership styles for best results
  • Living in congruence with your higher purpose

Who this course is for

  • Women Leaders across Public, Private and Civil Sectors
  • Business Leaders
  • Changemakers
  • Conscious Capitalists
  • DEI&B Leaders
  • Social Justice & Impact Entrepreneurs
For best learning outcomes

Read the book Shakti Leadership by Nilima Bhat and Raj Sisodia. ( For institutional sales and bulk orders of more than 21 learners, write to

Form a book club within your learning community, professional network or your organization and take the course together. Hold each other accountable to complete the assignments and feel the accomplishment of getting certified in agreed time!

Free Sample of Course Material: Shakti Leadership Styles Assessment & Ready Reckoner

It is very important to understand your dominant energy archetype. Some of us are more masculine in our leadership, others more feminine. It is fine to have a preference; it’s important to recognize which is your dominant pole and which is your complementary pole.

Download the Shakti Leadership Styles Assessment XLS HERE to fill out and understand your leadership style.

How to register for the course?

  1. Go to LMS
  2. Click Sign Up and create your account on LMS
  3. Login to the LMS using your credentials
  4. Enroll
For institutional sales and bulk orders of more than 21 learners, or to join our generous Marketing Affiliate program, write to
By enrolling for and completing this course, you help us achieve the Shakti Mission of training 100,000 Shakti Leaders by 2030.

Once certified, you will be invited to our global community-building platform, and join change-makers from across sectors, looking to collaborate and create the new ecosystems that deliver Peace, Prosperity & Beauty through the exchange of multiple forms of capital.

Nilima Bhat, Director, Shakti Leadership
